Click on the year below to see what we've been up to:
Mama the MAD knitter - pictures finally posted

December 28, 2009
Caelie pee pee'd on the potty for the first (and last ) time : )

December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!

the kids artwork graced our table




December 19, 2009
the first snow
NOW, that's a LOT of snow... 1.5ft.

December 18, 2009
Jaiden's Kindergarten Class at Collegium had a holiday party.
He made a Graham Craker Milk Carton House

November 22, 2009
Lets get the Christmas card started...
BUT FIRST... a little fun at the park


November 11, 2009
We took the house off the market.. and i painted.. everything :)

kitchen backsplash

front foyer

stairs to the third floor

November 08, 2009
I've fallen and i can't get up!
Caelie fell into the recycling bin..
i'm not sure what she was more upset about- the fact that she fell in and couldn't get out OR that she dropped her pretzel and couldn't reach it!

the pretzel is right under her feet- behind the pepsi bottle ;)

October 31, 2009

All the cousins for a Trick or Treat
Sydney, Isabel, Mac, Caelie & Jaiden

She was on Halloween like brown on rice

Aunt Laurie (arrrggggg!) and Witchy Isabel

October 30, 2009
Rhino by day- Incredible by nite!
First Pres. Indoor Halloween Trick or Treat

You may not recognize them in their 'SUPER' form.

Caelie did NOT like her mask, but was 'SUPER' none the less!

With all the kids: Jaiden S., Skye Z., Anna Eve D. Cole Z., Ashe Z., Caelie S., Jake Z., & Mac S.

October 30, 2009
Caelie's Music Class. She was 'The Rhino'
Each Slifer kid has had a turn at 'The Rhino'!

October 28, 2009
Bucket School Halloween Parade
Dash Incredible.. was on the scene!

in TRUE Slifer style.. he didn't sing a word : )

October 16, 2009
Ashe Z. came over for Friday Nite Movie Nite
Bob's Big Break in 3D.. AWESOME

September 28, 2009
Day at the Zoo.. with Declan and StaciAnn

August 29, 2009
Everybody AT the table!!
Caelie's in her booster seat... NO MORE HIGH CHAIR

August 19, 2009
Swimmin' it up g-h-e-tt-o Style!

...even room enough for THREE floaties

g-h-e-tt-o Style = underpants

Jaiden's REALLY swimming!!!

Mac is TOO! Face in- Butt UP! that's the way he does it!

she's TOUGH!

... even big enough for jumping IN! hold your nose, jaiden!




August 17, 2009
Collegium Charter School

Jaiden's very excited (and nervous) about his first day of school

so grown up.. when did THAT happen?

Mac's not too impressed

my sweet boy!
Just before the bus arrived Jaiden told me
"I'm having trouble standing on my legs"
OHHH, he was so brave

"Hello Busddriver" he yelled as he cimbed the stairs

happy to see his buddy Ashe on the bus..
or deer caught in headlights.. you decide!

I'm WAITING for him to get home!

August 11, 2009
Slifer's at the Zoo

Caelie's CHEESE face is hysterical

August 08, 2009
July Birthdays at the beach

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Uncle Lou, Aunt Shirley & Jaiden
( Sorry Shash the sillypict made it)

~these candles are SOO mine.. ~

he huffed and he puffed...

let me get down... there's CAKE!

August 07, 2009
Boardwalk, OCNJ
July 30, 2009
Boys swimming lessons at Malvern Prep

they both did great! Jadien's showing real progress
and this was Mac's first lesson- after a rocky start- he really did GREAT!
July 29, 2009
A Happy Carrot

right outta the bag for the grocery store.. made me smile
July 26, 2009
CAELIE & Peanut Butter.. need i say more?

July 25, 2009
CCS New Student Fair

mac held the snake...

jaiden would NOT!

Ironically, I think this girl next to jaiden is in his K class..
at his table...go figure 9 kindergarten classes and we have a picture
of someone in his new class!

caelie was there sweating it out too!

July 24, 2009
When asked if he's be interestedin watching a movie
he said" I'd be delighted to watch a movie. I love movies"

July 13, 2009
CAELIE'S FIRST Corn on the cob

you go, girl

I think she LIKES it!

July 12, 2009
A day at the ROCK

I'm gonna getcha! SPLASH!

Caelie & Grandma Cynthia playing in the pool

jaiden's in....

mac's thinking about it.... wait for it...

mac's IN!

Swimmin' in the HOCK- A-Hanna River
(susquehanna river)

It was a great day!

July 07, 2009
First day of camp... riding with the Z's

First day of camp... riding with the Z's
Cole, Jake, Ashe & Jaiden

June 25, 2009
Baby Pool Swimmin'

I think we need a BIGGER pool!

...but we do have sprinkles


we're gonna GET a --BIGGER-- pool!

June 21, 2009
THE BOYZ- gymnastics birthday party

June 14, 2009

Caelie's first Chinese food....

I think she liked it!! A sweet & sour sauce face

June 13, 2009
First Day at the beach

first time on the beach--like a big kid-- SHE LOVED IT!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tim(5.30), Bri(5.27) & Mac(5.02)



June 08, 2009
Underpants for EVERYBODY!!
With potty training success just under our belt.
there is A LOT of talk about underpants...
and caelie just wanted HER turn!
BATMAN, of course!!

this one speaks for itself!

June 04, 2009
Funny Story.. that is MY life!
Tonite at dinner, as Jaiden was stuffing in the last bits of his beef with broccoli with his hands.. he says "My hands smell like poop".

Of course, my reaction: "Why do your hands smell like poop"?
(bashing my cooking, perhaps? no, he's 4, right?)
He answers "I don't know"
So I say "Well, did you touch poop today"?
He thinks for a moment "Well I went poop on the potty and wiped myself"


As i'm dragging him to the bathroom to wash.. tim is giggling in the background.

ARRGGHHHH! boys are gross!

June 02, 2009
TODAY, Mac locked himself in the garage!
Coached by big brother Jaiden, of course!
Needless to say Mac was in a PANIC, no other key exists
(i didn't even know about the one that was in the door),
Garage door opener in Daddy's car AT WORK!
Daddy was on his way HOME,
when mac finally stopped panicking enough
to push the door opener from the inside
20 PANICKED minutes... we'll never get back!


in costume (ugh, 85 and humid)
Mac sat this one out.. due to his INTENSE interest in the game and the TRAUMATIC morning he had.. nap on, little one, nap on!

jaiden & Coach Ben comparing their 'SPIDIES"

patch ceremony

ages 3-5

May 25, 2009
just another breakfast

Everybody taking 'calls' on their bagels.
Gotta check in with their peeps at the start of the day


May 23, 2009
Memorial Day At The Lopez's

my beautiful baby : )

caelie, isabel, paulie, jaiden, mclaren

isabel, paulie, jaiden, mclaren

momom & caelie (look at THAT belly)

May 19, 2009
chocolate ice cream cone

mmmm.. the joys of a nice melty chocolate ice cream cone... OR.. the next inspiration for Halloween.. Captain Jack Sparrow, perhaps : )

May 15, 2009
Bucket School Graduation

May 03, 2009
We put our house ~300 Dean St.~ on the market today
April 22, 2009
Bubba loved soccer SO much
that he decided to wear his shin pads to school

April 21, 2009
FIRST day of Soccer camp
coming soon
Jaiden LOVED IT! He's in the middle of the 'play' all throughout practice.
Mac.. i'm not so sure?

YES! that is MY kid running with the field marker on his head

well, he was having fun, right? :)

April 18, 2009
A visit with the baby goats


April 12, 2009

April 12, 2009
the trials and tribulations of easter day !
phew.. we're exhausted!

Come on, team! lets show some spirit!


a fast learner.. she got this 'egg thing' down

.. an even faster learner
...eggs swipped from your brothers basket
are ALWAYS better!

can you say CHEEEE-ZEEEE!

Alright daddy.. gotta start cleaning this sugar buzzed group up!
first up... fingers and toes

Mommy's favorite part of Easter a ROCKIN' nap on the car ride to cheryl's. Do you HEAR that? SILENCE... love it !

they do clean up nice

Hoppy Easter

April 10, 2009
Aunt Emily, Uncle Square and Sophia were in town this weekend!
We met up with them at Everhart Park for a bit o' play and to release the bunny Sophia's popop had caught in his yard.

April 09, 2009

it's the first time since Potty Training began last Friday!!!


April 06, 2009
The little Miss
(Aunt Emily, it seems all my kids like your knitting! remember this one?)

April 05, 2009
3rd Annual egg hunt at the Gourley's. GREAT DAY!

April 04, 2009
Potty Training DAY 2
He did great in the morning, we napped with a diaper, and MATER underpants in the afternoon playing in the yard... unfortunatey MATER didn't make it! Mac snuck off in the garage and did his business. But overall he's doing good

April 03, 2009
Mac decided to 'COMMANDO' himself after nap today... SO i decided if a boy is big enough to get his pants & his diaper off.. he shouldn't be wearing them. Let the potty training begin!
He did great! the front door got a little sprinkle... we were watching that crazy storm that blew threw.. all that rain.. it's inspirational!

We'll keep you posted :)

April 3, 2009
We always knew jaiden was 'special'....

March 27, 2009
Just funny.. she can ALMOST get it to whistle too!

March 20, 2009
A site to behold... boy in rainboots... boy in rainboots in shoes

ALLS FAIR IN EQUAL FACETIME... so here's a flip!

March 18, 2009
Thanks Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Lou. We LOVE the little table!

March 17, 2009
Bustin' OUT - Today Mac protested his nap. I went into his room to quiet him down and found he had kicked his crib sides off. (this is louie's crib, so 15 yrs and still going). SO being the completely RATIONAL mom that i am... i took the mattress out, put it on the floor and said (sweetly) SLEEP THERE!

AFTER things quieted down.. it took while! i snuck a peek at the distruction and the PASSED OUT little boy: )


March 08, 2009
Daddy's Day... GUN DAY!

March 08, 2009
Found Caelie's bottom molars today... she was hollaring at me and it was the perfect view : )

February 16, 2009
mackie's into BIG shoes lately...

these particular big shoes are moms

February 11, 2009
An Easter Preview

i think she liked being 'swishy'

Look familar? Kinda like the bride on the toilet roll, huh?

February 6, 2009
A Skirt for Caelie

always... on the move

February 3, 2009

First spoon of food to her mouth, that's my girl.. CAKE!

Let me just clean up this plate!

February 3, 2009

Oh? will this house survive these boys?!?!?

they're bubba's shoes... BUT....

Mac put them on HIMSELF! way to go bud!

February 2, 2009
Momma, got baby, a NEW pair o' shoes

Momma, got baby, a NEW pair o' WALKIN' shoes, that is!

February 2, 2009
Another memorable Adventure in food
Just HOW does a 1 year old get a cheerio in her ear?

January 26, 2009
8 steps today and a lot more BOLD 'steps'
to get from one place to another.
Which is a FEAT in our house of boys!

January 25, 2009
She took three! 3- with all the left over paperchain
fruitloops around her ankles!

No pictures- i was too busy cheering her on!

January 23, 2009
Caelie's new dress

I need to take better picts.. stay tuned!

January 17, 2009
Caelie had a BANNER week with FOOD!

THEN, it was the CHEESE stuck in her NON-EXISTENT hair!

January 16, 2009
Caelie had a BANNER week with FOOD!

First it was the jelly bread behind the EAR!

There ya go.... a nice CLOSE UP!

January 9, 2009
'the boys' went to Brandywine River Museum to see the trains.
GrandFred was with us too... he was taking the pictures!

looking and NOT touching was hard

January 3, 2009
our neighbors got a puppy named 'pepper'

