Welcome to Lil' Suckers Webpage

Jaiden Taggart Slifer
~ 2004 ~

Click on the year below to see what we're up to:
Mama the MAD knitter - see my stuff : )

HAPPY NEW YEAR(12-31-04)

I love being NAKED!!!!!


My first time at Uncle Neil's --Race Street Cafe--(12-30-04)

I'm a 'Natural'



MERRY CHRISTMAS!! (12-25-04)
What a Great Day

My very own car... Excuse me..... I have a call

Christmas with Daddy!

Christmas with Mommy!

Christmas Chaos!

...And Christmas Crashing!

And to all a goodnight.



I got 'em! I finally got 'em! (12-12-04)


Hangin' out with the BIG kids! (12-11-04)
my cool cousins Louie & Brianna


Christmas is Coming! Christmas is Coming! (12-04-04)
Oh Boy! Oh Boy!
(I have NO idea what that means but...) Christmas is Coming!



Check Me OUT!!(11-29-04)

My very own high chair
We had our 4 month well visit today -15lbs. 8oz - 25.25 inches long


YumYum Yum Cereal(11-26-04)

It's like feeding soup to a moving target

Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!(11-10-04)

Brrrr! it's cold outside(11-10-04)

who's idea was this anyway


HEADS UP (11-08-04)

I'm getting pretty good with this ridiculously heavy noggin

PUNKIN CHUNKIN, Millsboro DE(11-06-04)

I swear I didn't sleep through the WHOLE thing


It's OFFICIAL (11-05-04)

Boy, Oh Boy! I found that THUMB!!!



Baby's First BOO!


Happy Halloween!! (10-31-04)

The chicken or the egg?
Here's our newly hatched---







And now for a little Pooh!!!


Jaiden's Christening (10-23-04)

We don't have any pictures, we were so busy 'doing' that we didn't snap a single shot. So if anyone has some we'd love to have them. thanks

Weekend at the beach (9-25-04)

My first time on the beach


With my cousins, Louie and Brianna


the boys (9-12-04)

Jaiden, Tim, Grandpa Fred, the Great Poppy


Compliments to the chef (9-07-04)

(some of these were blurry,
but i thought his expressions were pretty funny,
i could be biased)



All dressed up for Labor Day(9-06-04)


mmmmmmm daddy! (8-28-04)


This is our second bath.
And yes he does like it, just doesn't like his picture taken (8-28-04)


This will fit someday (8-14-04)


Rock climber in-training (8-14-04)
Look at those little bird legs!


Photo shoot on Mommy's bed (8-11-04)


Here I am at my cousin Isabel's house (8-9-04)


the girls (08-03-04)



me & my daddy (08-03-04)


Me & Mommy (7-29-04)


I just got home (7-24-04)



12 Hours old (7-23-04)


BRAND NEW! (7-22-04) and a little lumpy

07.22.04-He's here!

Jaiden Taggart Slifer

6lbs. 13oz., 21inches long.

3 weeks early and all is well. Mom, Jaiden and Dad are all doing great!



06.21.04-Here we are at 32 weeks, 8 weeks to go!

Its gettin' pretty squishy in there, so I've posted the Ultrasound pictures
that we saw plus a version with the parts pointed out.

But everything looks great! We got a smart one, he/she is head down already.
So it's now confirmed that mommy knows what a head butt to the cervix feels like.. ouch!


03.29.04-Here we are at 20 weeks, Half way there.

We measure EXACTLY where we should be for our August arrival.


Look at my little nose & mouth.

Mom teared up and Dad's pretty sure he saw the 'important' bits... hmm m we'll see!


Look at my Big FEET

Berkinstocks here I come : )

They Counted all my fingers & toes-- all there.
That's my hand resting on my forehead above my nose.

It was amazing, they looked at & measured all the sections of the babys brain, heart & spine. Pointing out all the bones in the arms and legs. We saw the bladder and the blood flowing through the umbilical cord.
I'm pretty sure the baby is about 8-9inches head to toe, according to the books.
We forgot to ask today

Baby was a bit shy in the beginning, but altogether a big 'MOVER'

Below is a picture from when the Baby was 11 weeks 2days, if anyone missed it.
Here the baby was 3 inches.