Click on the year below to see what we've been up to:
Mama the MAD knitter - pictures finally posted

December 25 , 2008
Chrismas Night!

All those stinkin' toys and YES! he is playing with a toothpick

good time had by all

If she'd just look away.... i could get my hands on that barbie...
(hm, hm.. that's the madknitters Xmas dress!)

Got IT!!!...

Bri & Bubba.. gotta work on his 'nice' smile ...
'cheese' really is a funny thing to say
when you want someone to smile


Show a LITTLE enthusiasm Louie

I may have fallen asleep.. right there...
in the middle of christmas: )



December 25 , 2008
Merry Chrismas Morning!


Santa ate his snacks

WOW! Look at the plate. Santa ate his snacks

BIG Letters for....

EVERYBODY! we like to paint them!



Merry Chrismas! Happy Holidays
Click it to see it larger


December 23 , 2008
So WINDY the sign blew off

December 21 , 2008
Santa Brunch with Isabel And Sydney

Isabel -a real 'santa' pro

hmmmmm! what to ask for...

Cool! he's said he'd get it! if i'm good!

The omly way to get ALL the kids within a foot od Santa...
I guess i should have worn red: )
Don't they LOOK thrilled! Glad we came : )


December 18 , 2008
We call it our FrootLoop tree!
It seemed like a good idea at the time.. getting the boys INVOLVED!
They both did 5links each.. and considered themselves accomplished ..
i'm still trying to get the glue off my hands :)

The boys did help with the glittery balls...
its a new technique in tree decorating...
getting the most balls on one branch.
All the children are glittery ALL THE TIME
with all the REdecorating that's going on too!
Merry Christmas!


December 17 , 2008
The Bucket School Christmas Pagaent

Let's get this show started-- it's eating into my naptime
ho ho ho

They first spelled out the words 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'

Jaiden & Ashe were partners for the last 'S'. They said-
"S - is for the star that the wise men followed"

I may be partial- but i thought they did really great : )

And then they told the story of mary & joseph.
We never heard about ANY of this part at home
- Didn't know Jaiden was a Cow!
But funnier, is the Z's didn't know Ashe was the Angel
- they say he's NOT SO MUCH- at home : )

December 14 , 2008
Rub.a.dub.dub...3 slifers in the tub!
I thought i should get a picture of this while it's still possible... as you'll see : )

soo many bodies : ) might not be agood time to 'swim' mac?

wooo... there goes caelie

they don't seem to mind it.. siblings are fun!


December 13 , 2008

Caelie's FIRST Santa, she did pretty well....

or NOT? ..

No, no, she's OK!!

Jaiden's been an ANGEL...


Daddy & Mac .. lovin' the candy cane

Caelie & Mommom

Jaiden & Brianna

Louie... he says 'this is the LAST year!'


Caelie's FIRST christmas... no pictures.. no pictures, please!
she's taking it all in stride : )




December 10 , 2008
Happy Birthday to me!
5 years ago TODAY I found out
i was pregnant with Jaiden
and this week
my little girl started saying 'MA MA'!
A nice bookend to my baby making years
: )

December 9 , 2008

This one will need some explaining...
we are HUGE fans of the movie CARS. Well, in the movie
there is a big Combine Tractor, named Frank, that chases
McQueen and Mater out of the 'tractor tippin' field.
This is Mac's FRANK face, you might need to see the movie to appreciate it- it is FUNNY!


December 9 , 2008
I'm not sure this ones gonna make it to summertime...
but it NEEDS to be seen!
18 mo suit fitting that 10 mo body pretty darn well

Here are some more beauties...

She likes this one

visions of tutu's just flew through my head...
tutu's everywhere... to the food store, to her big bro's schools, to bed.
i may be in trouble ; )

December 1 , 2008
caught red handed in the treat chicken

November 26 , 2008 ~ HAPPY TURKEY DAY ~
We spent the day at the Lopez's - great food and company as always

Caelie & Daddy

Kids table! CHEERS!

it may appear that they are eating but they're really NOT!
Isabel, Sydney, Jaiden, Paulie & Mac

they all snuggled up for a story and then the movie Polar Express

November 25 , 2008
Jaiden wrote 'BLUE'! saw it on the block and wrote it all by himself

November 21 , 2008
The FIRST SNOW! a good day for a Hot cocoa
in a mug bigger than your head!


November 17 , 2008
another new tooth... bottom left.. NO WONDER she's miserable
November 16 , 2008
new tooth.. top right

November 11 , 2008
Well visits and flu shots to keep them well!

Caelie's 9 monh well visit has her growing nicely-
30in. tall (over 95%) and 19#13oz (60%)

Mac's 2.5yr well visit
36.5in. tall (80%) and 33# (60%)

And we did ALL THREE flu shots in the same room one after the other-
Caelie first with me- she shrieked with 'indignity'
Mac with Tim- All strong & quiet (and he watched) until....
Tim put Mac down to start chasing (like a cat in a toiletbowl) Jaiden
and i looked down at Mac's sweet face as it started to wrinkle up and turn red-
tears all around, but we're done --- till next year : )


November 10 , 2008
Prettiest girl in the oven door...

it's a family tradition to find our reflections in the oven
and dw doors... she found it! and LOOK at those LEGS : )


November 1 , 2008
Bathtime Devils

October 31 , 2008
Happy Halloween

Mac (lightning mcqueen), Brianna (hannah montana), Caelie (whichever handmedowns fit) & Jaiden (Super Why-the super reader)...


October 29 , 2008
Bucket school Halloween Parade...

SUPER WHY-- the Super Reader

...drifting out of line again.. focus, bubba, focus

Jaiden's best friend Ashe
- Kung Fu Panda

the Spooky Walk song.. spooked him : )

He liked the other songs, though

Caelie was there

Caelie's first ginger snap.. i think she liked it


October 28 , 2008
We painted today.... ooiii

It's paid off.. check out our COOL bat masks


October 26 , 2008
This is what i found early Sunday morning....

up on the third floor

Too many monkeys in Caelie's crib

She thought i was leaving her there... she IS a mama's girl

And now they're already teaching her how to Escape!

October 19 , 2008
I think-IT'S OFFICIAL- She's crawling! Time to RE-baby proof : )


FINALLY.. that other top tooth has broken through...
that's been a rough week on everybody.
i spotted it after her afternoon nap- 5 teeth in all!

October 11 , 2008
We all went to the West Chester Helicopter Museum's ROTOR FEST 2008.
Of course, we forgot the camera... but i think we were ALL in agreement that the Parachute guys were the coolest! and the boys got to climb all over LOTS of cool helicopters. We also brought Jaiden's friend Ashe and he loved all the 'airplanes' too!
October 8 , 2008
Another tooth on the bottom for Caelie... so now she has
one on top and three on the bottom... what a pumpkin !!

October 6 , 2008
Caelie's TOP LEFT tooth has arrived!

SPEAKING OF TEETH... they're still FUNNY

October 1 , 2008
Mama is a MAD knitter.. and made caelie a dress!
...not to mention a bunch 'o hats for the kids.. i have to get picts of those

I think she likes it... she's smiling through her cold


September 20 , 2008
there is some genius to this shot...
lets see if i can get them to cooperate in some good lighting another day

Mac is seeking help... he does look a bit evil, doesn't he?
Caelie doesn't mind : )


September 19 , 2008
BUSY DAY---Saltine's, Apples & Potty Time!

Caelie's NEW favorite food-Saltines

Mac's FIRST WHOLE apple.. Way to go, buddy!

Top View

We're practicing.... patiently....

no success... this time, but his tush sure is cute.

The Funny story is that nite after bathtime
Mac had the 'feeling' and ran to the potty -STOOD in FRONT- of it
and pooped....
it's slow progress and mom has to be a QUICK catch : )


September 15 , 2008
Bedtime beauties

September 12 , 2008

Ashe, Skye, Jaiden and Mclaren
Jaiden and Ashe are starting PreK,
Skye is in the 3's- Mac will start the 3's next year

Jaiden's Best Friend Ashe and his sister Skye


September 5 , 2008
Caelie's tweedle hat... by Mama the MadKnitter

September 3, 2008
Caelie's first cookie...
not as bad as mac's first but she sure enjoyed it!


September 2 , 2008
Isabel's tweedle hat- as modeled by caelie... by Mama the MadKnitter
Guess i need to make her one too: )

Tweedle -as modeled by Isabel


August 30 , 2008
Tyler Tree Houses... VERY COOL

This was our 2nd favorite treehouse...
we don't have any pictures of our favorite
because we were TOO busy climbing all over it
and sliding down the pole!


August 27 , 2008
A Celebrating 'green space' Festival.
i can't remember it's name-- it's indian and sounds like 'hock- a lougie'


Talk about an Ad for Rita's : )


August 26 , 2008
Caelie's PINK photo Shoot.. Wait till you see these!!!

First of all, SHE HAD A GREAT TIME!!!



August 24 , 2008
WC's Touch-A-Truck

Looks Good, Mac... looks good!

Jaiden and his friend Will


WHAT are we doing here again?


August 16 , 2008
Party of Five
Well, it only took us 6 months to get a family picture with Caelie in it!!


August 15-16 , 2008
At the beach with Isabel!!!


August 14 , 2008
hangin' in the 'hood
Swinging with Carolyn and her puppies


August 10 , 2008
a vision...


August 9 , 2008
Hoopes Park...


August 3 , 2008
At the Beach! & Caelie is 6 months old.. woo hoo

Caelie, at 6mo. old, has already had a tostito chip
(that's good sharing Mac), a french fry
and we tried a cup and she totally 'GETS' it.
the third baby sure does learn FAST!


August 2 , 2008
Happy July Birthdays- jaiden, uncle lou and & shash

the dress just had to be photographed : )


July 24 , 2008
We went to visit Poppy and his new apartment

Funny how they all seem to have the same expression : )


July 22 , 2008
4 years ago TODAY... I became a MOM!


Watch your nose, buddy!

July 19 , 2008
Jaiden's 4 Alarm Birthday


to see all the great pictures from the party
... the good... the bad... the wet... and icing covered : )

I'm making a separate page for this one.
there are so many great (wet) picts of the kids!


July 18 , 2008
Caelie's ROLLING!!! she started off on the blanket with Mac.
(Yes Joy, It's your quilt... we love it!)


July 17 , 2008
Caelie's in the 'Saucer.. she loves it!


July 13 , 2008

I am happy to announce the newest addition
to my resume of talents...

peanut removal!

Everything came out OK!
the peanut and mac were both intact.
he even got mad when i wouldn't let him eat it!


July 12 , 2008
Springton Manor to see the butterflies

Checkin' out the fruit trees too

It was a HOT day

July 12 , 2008
In honor of Dr. Seuss
REPEAT PERFORMANCE--- Blue eggs were requested


July 11 , 2008
In honor of Dr. Seuss
green eggs


Jaiden liked them better than Mac


July 10 , 2008
Second TOOTH discovered TODAY!!!
-Bottom Right-


July 6 , 2008
OCNJ Boardwalk .... RIDES!!

Rockets-FAVORITE RIDE.. rode it 3 Times

Funny Face @ Mack & Manco's Pizza


July 3 , 2008
We visited longwood gardens today to see the treehouses.
we would have pictures to show you -if- mommy had remembered the camera.
3 IS fun!!!
trust us we had a great time; )


June 30 , 2008
Caelie's first TOOTH Discovered!

Bottom left was discovered last nite
as she was chomping on my hand
(a handy substitute for no toys nearby)

She is barely 5 mo (7.3.08)
--boys were 7mo(J) and 6 1/2mo(M) when they got theirs.

she rolled over (back to tummy) yesterday too... good grief..
it was busy day with the baby book additions : )
don't think i have dates for the boys rolling over..
they weren't too concerned with all that.. they were content to be
where they were until they really got moving.. about 9mo.... : )

June 24 , 2008
Caelie's first food... she didn't really get it. but we'll keep practicing


June 17 , 2008


June 5 , 2008
BIG GIRL!!! 4 months old


June 3 , 2008
had everybody's well visits today

Caelie got 4 shots.. she was brave...LOUD but brave : )
she is 25.5 inches tall and 13#14.5oz
(leave it to MY girl NOT to tip over to the 14# mark : )
(boys were both well over 15# at the same age)
AND she has slept 8pm to 7am the last three nites
so i think we are over the hump : )

Mac is 36 inches and 29#

Jaiden is 40 inches and 33#
(he has to go back for 4 shots around his birthday)

June 2, 2008
The ice cream barn with Isabel. We were too sticky to take any picts with the ice cream... and mac got to poke a bunny in the butt : ) a highlight


May 24, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend at the Beach

Caelie's FIRST day on the beach!

Happy Birthday!

Bri- 10(5-27) / Mac-2(5-2) / Tim-40(5-30)

May 22, 2008
Mac's FIRST haircut!

BEFORE... look at THOSE locks

not too brave...

WHAT? there's a treat for being good!


Bubba's an old pro at this stuff!

May 18, 2008
Caelie slept through the nite -7.30pm to 7.30am- for the first time.
it was a one shot deal.. but mommy is HOPEFUL : )

May 17, 2008
GOTCHA!!!! We surprised Daddy! Happy 40th Birthday!

First beer to kick things off...

I'm SO glad he's finally here ...

I always get tim a 'boat' for his birthday...

They keep getting smaller,
but this one tasted pretty good ...



May 12, 2008
Caelie's first chuckle.. talking to daddy

May 11, 2008
Caelie & THE DRESS!!
It was the funniest thing.. the minute i put her in this dress SHE WENT WILD!
THEN she spottted the dress itself! it was LOVE!


May 4, 2008
A new RED bike for Mac! go along with his NEW cool helmet!

bubba wrecked!.."i'm alright!!" he says


May 3, 2008
Jumping mayhem at the Jumping Monkey!


he finished it!.. sprinkle by sprinkle... icing by icing... cake by cake

important business at hand

awefully thoughtful for a moonbounce party, huh?

Funny Faces with abuela

Bri our surprise jumper and
YES! Caelie was there.. though, she slept through most of it!


May 2, 2008



May 1, 2008
3 lumps... call it a day


April 13 , 2008
Princess Caelie at her first birthday party.


April 12, 2008
Caelie's Christening

(there are more picts... i'm getting there : ) )


April 10, 2008
photo shoot

HEY! this is MY photo shoot! ....boys


April 6, 2008
egg hunt

look out.... NEXT year.. i'll be awake : )

jaiden & TJ


March 25, 2008
Jaiden (3.8yr), Mclaren (22mo) & Caelie (7weeks) went to their first movie
They loved it and had a great time..

March 23, 2008
hoppy easter everybunny


March 22, 2008
busy day...

hangin' out

vision in orange

egg hunters

bunny feet


March 11, 2008
Bathing beauty

Come on mom, knock it off

I've had ENOUGH!


March 11, 2008

March 10, 2008
GrandCynthia and the 'cool' kids

I'M HERE... I'M HERE....


March 6, 2008
Pretty Girl


February 24, 2008
jaiden & mac's snowman. and mac going for a spin


February 22, 2008
jaiden's really stepping up to BIG BOY.. he's started dressing himself!
Way to go buddy : )

Mac had to say "CHEESE" too!


February 21, 2008
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful

Even half naked she can't be bothered to wake up...
trust me she is waking up it's just in the middle of the night these days


February 12, 2008
Aunt Laurie dressed her... and Aunt Cheryl accessorized her


February 11, 2008
Jaiden's Abraham Lincoln craft from school


February 9, 2008
that's our bubba--- watching NASCAR pants-less

Mac enjoying a cupcake treat.. Thanx StaciAnn

February 7, 2008- finally in PINK


Sunday, February 3, 2008 - 8:05PM

She's HERE!

Caelie Raine Slifer
8lbs. 12oz. 20 1/2inches
(mommy is thankful she was 2 weeks early)

Nickname: Halftime
(nobody missed ANY of the game)

Big Brother Kisses ARE the Best!

Already just part of the gang: )

We're home now (2-5-08) and doing great : )

01-18-08 Baby Bean 35 week ultrasound

So we're in the home stretch.. had an ultrasound today to check on the baby's size, since we seem to bring on the big ones : )

(Jaiden 6lb 13oz at 3.5weeks early)
(Mclaren 9lb 8oz at .5week early)

Baby looked great-from what we could see- it's pretty squished in there now and is measuring a bit bigger than normal but nothing to change our current course of action- which is to WAIT! Ugh! says mommy ; 0
Heartbeat was strong 148bpm and we saw all 4 chambers pumping away.

Seems to be the consensus that we won't go to our due date (2-18), but still have a couple weeks to go!

See the pictures of the baby's face below- one is unmarked so see if you can figure it out. Then i've included one with the features marked


01-17-08 My first Snowman!!