Welcome to Lil' Suckers Webpage

Jaiden Taggart Slifer
~ 2005 ~


Click on the year below to see what we're up to:
Mama the MAD knitter - see my stuff : )

Merry Christmas (12-25-05)


the Winter Solstice (12-17-05)

Rising Stars!!

That's our girl!!

JT & Uncle Neil (aka da godfaaatha)

Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree...


The Santa Express (12-10-05)


Snow Day!! (12-09-05)


Xmas card trial run (12-06-05)


ThanksGiving (11-25-05)


They say they were cooking.... (11-24-05)

Leaves... Glorious leaves (11-20-05)


Fun at the Park with Isabel & Sydney (11-06-05)

GranFred! I'm ready for my Motorcycle : )


By the River...

Happy Halloween (10-31-05)




Dress Rehearsal (10-27-05)


My new winter hat! (10-14-05)

A very important day! (10-06-05)

I'm going to be a BIG brother. I got to see the lil'bugger for the first time today on TV. And I heard it's heartbeating! Wowee! 170 beats per minute the Dr. said. The new baby is a bit bigger than 1 1/4 inches and is measuring right on for the May 6 due date. (though mommy's hoping for April : ))

In the cupboard (09-20-05)

I am a VERY busy guy!!


Labor Day at the beach (09-04-05)


My first time with J-ello (08-24-05)


POOH! (08-23-05)


Ahhhhh! ki-y kahhh (07-31-05)


My First Birthday Party (07-23-05)
A barnyard celebration

mom painted doors & windows

where's MY cake ? :(

Awww.. Yeah!!!!!

This is GREAT!!! let's do it again next year : )

see.. everyone loves the wagon!




Check out my COOL wagon!
Thanks Abuela!


My First Summer Vacation (06-24 / 07-04-05)
There were SOOO many pictures-- We made a new page

CLICK HERE to see all my adventures

With my Abuela(06-26-05)
Cool Wagon




11 months old TODAY(06-22-05)
Hanging out with my friend

Strange but true! i put a diaper on the cat...

he's also ready for the pool : )


Adventure Aquarium(06-11-05)
with Mommom Louie & my girl Bri


My first Pool Party(06-05-05)
My Cousins ydney & Isabel

Where Is Jaiden? Those girls wore me out! I'm takin' a nap!


At the Beach(05-29-05)
Mommy's still pickin' the sand outta my ears!!!



10 months old TODAY!! (05-22-05)
LOOK at those TEETH!!
Can you believe I'm getting my eye teeth first!!!


Swimming with Daddy(05-11-05)

TOO TIRED to swim anymore.

I've got 5 teeth now. Dad found two more on top.

You can see my bottom three below.


OH! YEAH! I'm thinking Halloween(05-05-05)


Swimming Class(04-27-05)

I'm not quite a fish yet... but i'm definitly getting used to it


I sat Jaiden on the floor
facing the kitchen chairs
and went down the hall
to check for mail...

this is where he was
when i came back only seconds later!

batten down the hatches!!!!


Livin' Large (04-07-05)
Catchin' some rays!

Working is overrated...


My New Hat, mate (03-30-05)

Books are for READING, not for EATING
We're working on that one : )

By the way, my swing is still COOL!


Hoppy Easter (03-27-05)

it was kind of a rough day : )


OH! How I love my cat!!!! (03-22-05)






My 2nd day out in my car(03-19-05)

Woooo! HOOOO!


My first day out in my car(03-18-05)

Bring on SPRING!

I look good comin' and goin' !


A Day with my cousins...(03-12-05)
boy, did they wear me out!


Bob the Builder (03-06-05)



Daddy's teaching me the finer points
of Texas Hold'em(02-20-05)



Will you be my Valentine? (02-14-05)



So cute (01-28-05)


Photo Shoot with Mommy (01-27-05)


Snow Dude (01-26-05)


The big game with daddy. Go Eagles!(01-23-05)


SNOW! SNOW! SNOW (01-23-05)

who said this was fun?


You should see da Otha guy (01-20-05)

It's an eye infection : ( Got some medicine that fixed me right up



HAPPY NEW YEAR!!(01-01-05)

Jaiden & Isabel
(oh! my gosh! My head's bigger than Isabels!)

Pork & Saurkraut for everyone!

HAPPY 2005!