Thanksgiving At The Beach 2006
Campbells ~ Lopezs ~ Slifers ~ Stumpfs

View from our porch

First rainy day at the beach..

Oh, Yeah! we took the kids out in the sideways rain : )


All the Kids- warm and cozy on the couch!
Paulie, Syndey, Isabel, Mclaren & Jaiden

Nothin' like a good book!

the girls were just LOVIN' mac

...and some more LOVIN'

...and then some more LOVIN'


First day at the beach and i'm pooped !


Sydney, Paulie & Isabel!

Isabel & Sydney!

Workin' on that Tooth!

Happy Thanksgiving !

Sydney, Jaiden, Isabel, Paulie


Isabel In action! All the time!



Get some crabs!

back with the boots!

Ahhhhh! Relaxin'


I got it!

What's a little sand between your toes!

FruitStripes looks good on Jaiden! Thanks Isabel !

What a beautiful day at the beach!